Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Thanks to Simpson Strong-Tie's vast experience in the wood sector and strengthened by Friulsider's knowledge of the Italian market, it has been possible to define a complete and competitive range of connectors, including products with excellent technical characteristics and performance, designed to meet the needs of professional and DIY users.

Over 60 years of history and an ever-clear focus on innovation allow Simpson to design and manufacture connectors to the highest quality standards and always in step with market needs.

From angles brackets to straps, to fire-certified hidden connectors for heavy duty beams, or products for X-LAM: this is a highly diversified range, designed to offer the right product for every type of application.

The Italian market launch foresees a range of approximately 1,000 codes, but for specific needs Friulsider customers will have access to the entire European product portfolio of the Simpson Group, with obvious advantages in terms of versatility.

The route to market remains the consolidated Friulsider route, which makes use of the distribution network, following an indirect model.
Alongside the established anchor and screw range, the wood connector range will be complementary for existing customers, but will also open up new opportunities for specialised retailers.

Zum Pressefach von Friulsider S.p.A.

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