Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Rapid XP30 Setting Tool Nominated for the Prestigious Eisen Award 2024

We are proud to announce that Rapid's XP30 setting tool for hollow wall anchors has been nominated for the prestigious Eisen Award at the upcoming Eisenwarenmesse - International Hardware Fair 2024. This recognition is evidence of the innovation our product represents.

The Rapid XP30 setting tool is truly a breakthrough in plasterboard fixing, offering outstanding efficiency and reliability for both hobbyists and professionals. Its advanced features and user-friendly design have garnered significant attention, resulting in its nomination for the esteemed EISEN Award.

If you're interested in learning more about the unique features that caught the jury's attention, you can visit the product on www.rapid.com.

"Winning the Eisen Award would not only be a testament to the quality of our product, but also a tribute to the dedication and hard work our team has invested. We eagerly anticipate showcasing the XP30 mounting tool at Eisenwarenmesse and value the continued support from our esteemed customers and partners," says Mikael Schentz, VP Tools & RIS, ACCO Brands Managing Director Rapid.

We look forward to what the future holds. Stay tuned for updates and keep your fingers crossed for a successful outcome at the Eisen Award ceremony!

Zum Pressefach von Isaberg Rapid AB

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