Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Zircon Circuit Breaker Finder Debuts at EISENWARENMESSE International Hardware Fair

Zircon will debut its advanced circuit breaker finder, the Breaker ID Pro 300, at the EISENWARENMESSE International Hardware Fair, Hall 10.2, Stand G028, in Cologne, Germany from March 3 to 6, 2024. This version functions with a commonly used Type C electrical plug (Europlug).

Contractors and DIYers often depend on the circuit breaker panel being correctly labelled, however, this may not always be the case. The alternative is guessing, turning breakers on and off, to determine which outlets are impacted.

The Zircon Breaker ID Pro 300 is designed to help professionals and DIYers quickly identify and label all circuit breakers as a one-person operation, without trial-and-error, to work on specific circuits. The portable unit, purpose-built to be held in one hand, can minimize accidental shutdowns of essential electrical devices such as medical equipment, servers, and household appliances.

In residential, commercial, or industrial environments, the Zircon Breaker ID Pro 300 identifies single-phase and three-phase circuits of 50 Hz or 60 Hz between 80 – 250 V AC among several subpanels. The tool is compatible with aluminum and copper cables, and automatically calibrates, while providing sensitivity adjustment without buttons or dials.

To use, the operator connects the transmitter to the electrical outlet (circuit) and scans the breaker box twice, using the receiver provided. The first scan calibrates the device according to the circuit breakers. The second scan then identifies the target circuit breaker with a green, illuminated LED and audible signal.

The Breaker ID Pro 300 comes with a receiver, Type C electrical plug transmitter, and carrying pouch. The CAT III device is CE certified for safety.

Zircon, a wholly owned subsidiary of ZRCN Inc., is a Silicon Valley-based California company that designs and manufactures an extended range of sensor technologies in electronic hand tools including circuit breaker finders, wall scanners, metal detectors, drill guides, water detectors, and leveling tools.

For more information, call Zircon Corporation Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1700, Pacific Time at +1 (408) 963-4550, e-mail: info@zircon.com, or visit www.zircon.com.

Zum Pressefach von Zircon Corporation

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