Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Vibac Group is FSC Certified: Leading the Way in Sustainable Masking Solutions

Vibac Group, a leading player in the adhesive solutions industry, is proudly certified with the esteemed Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification for its masking tape paper. Vibac produces and controls every step of its masking tape production internally, starting from the pulp, thanks to its in-house paper mill. This significant achievement of the FSC certification, realized in 2021, solidifies our position as a pioneering force in environmentally responsible practices within the sector.


Setting Industry Standards:

At Vibac Group, we have always been at the forefront of environmental stewardship. Being one of the earliest adopters of FSC certification in our field, we continue to raise the bar for industry standards. This certification is a testament to our dedication to responsible forest management and underscores our ongoing efforts to make a minor impact on the environment.


European Excellence in Paper Production:

What sets us apart is our unique distinction as the sole producer in Europe to craft paper directly from its internal paper mill. This exclusive capability empowers us to oversee the entire paper production process, ensuring meticulous attention to quality and environmental consciousness at every step. Our state-of-the-art facilities, coupled with a team of skilled professionals, enable us to maintain unparalleled excellence in our products.


Purpose-driven Solutions with FSC-Certified Paper:

With the FSC certification firmly in place, we are delighted to inform our valued clients that all our masking tapes range can be produced upon request with FSC-certified paper. This means our customers have the opportunity to choose eco-friendly masking solutions that align with their sustainability goals. By opting for our FSC-certified products, our clients actively participate in promoting responsible forestry, supporting conservation efforts, and fostering ethical business practices.


For more information about us and our masking tapes, please contact tapedivision@vibac.it

Zum Pressefach von Vibac S.p.a.

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