Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Jewel Blade return to the International Hardware Fair.

Following the successful relaunch of the EISENWARENMESSE in September 2022 the number one event for the hardware industry, International Hardware Fair returns to its traditional rhythm, as it opens its doors once again at the usual time, from 3rd – 6th March 2024.

Established for over 90 years the UK Blade Manufacturers, Jewel Blade will once again showcase their manufacturing capabilities along with their innovative range of products, as the company returns to the globally established EISENWARENMESSE - International Hardware Fair in Cologne Germany. Find Jewel Blade in Hall 10.1, Stand A-018 where they will be promoting their GREAT British blades, Made in Sheffield England. Covering a multitude of industrial product segments from hand tools, power tools, fasteners, fixings, and fittings through to DIY home improvement supplies. The fair held at the Koelnmesse continues to be the ideal platform for Jewel Blade to raise its company profile.

Manufactured from superior materials with their expertise and consistently high-quality manufacturing processes on site in Sheffield. Jewel Blade’s vast range of products meet the demands of various market sectors and ensure that the finished product exceeds your blade demands and requirements. Jewel Blade leads in setting the industry standards for the presentation of industrial products for trade, industry, and commercial use with their extensive diverse range of sales enhancing Retail Packaging options designed to meet your business, product environment, brand image/identity and customer requirements.

Strategic investment enhancing manufacturing and production capabilities ensures Jewel Blade remain at the forefront of cutting-edge blade technology whilst enabling them to continue to grow. Manufacturing approximately 160 million GREAT British blades per year, exporting to over 50 countries worldwide. Jewel Blade’s Global distribution network of quality “Made in Sheffield” blades provides customers with the confidence and knowledge that its aim and focus is to develop successful long-term business partnerships. 

Make sure you come & visit Jewel Blade at the International Hardware Fair in Hall 10.1, Stand A-018. Please email enquiries@jewelblade.com for tickets or to make an appointment.

EISENWARENMESSE – Work Hard! Rock Hard!

Zum Pressefach von Jewel Blade Ltd

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