Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

Tek Screws for Thick Steel

BDN METAL-Tite™ heavy section, penetrates 12.5mm thick steel with ease. The patented Thunder-Shot drill point prevents wandering during the initial drill drive, clears out swarf swiftly and efficiently. The whole screw is coated with BN3 silver coating, which consists of multiple layers of specially formulated, corrosion resistant chemicals, and can easily withstand 1000hrs of salt spray test (ASTM B117), and 7 Kesternich cycles (DIN50018 2.0 SFW).

BDN METAL-Tite™ heavy section screws are also offered in a special 16mm thick steel penetration version. Designed to not only drill through thick, hardened, or complex alloy steel, but can also pass stringent 1mm + 2mm + 9mm, and 2mm + 12mm penetration tests. The most demanding part of these two tests is to withstand the impact force on the drilling tip when it passes through the first and/or second sheet, and hits the final thick hardened layer of steel. Imagine the wear and tear, plus heat buildup of the drilling tip during the first and/or second process. Nevertheless, BDN Heavy duty self-drilling metal screws pass these two stringent tests with flying colors.

Zum Pressefach von Broaden Worldwide Co., Ltd.

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