Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

Internal Roof Insulation Installation with Self-Drilling Fasteners

Thermal insulation, which is required mainly for homes in order to slow down the flowing in or out of heat, is often added to walls, roof, ceilings, or floors.  As heat primarily escapes through conduction or physical contact with the colder temperature outside, construction and insulation of walls and roofs are crucial to keeping heat inside.

Steel sandwich panels are among the most commonly used material for building either industrial, commercial, agricultural, or public domains.  Sandwich panels can often be tailored to suit various thermal, acoustic or strength requirements by combing layers of different materials in different thicknesses to achieve the desired effect.

BDN Metal-Tite Series sandwich panel screws are made to match various sandwich panel thicknesses; with additional features such as an enlarged hex washer flange to fully cover fully compressed EPDM washers and holes, anti-static EPDM washer to prevent galvanic corrosion, double thread design to increase pullout values, Scratshank to clear excess swarf, and Ruspert anti-corrosive coating for extended lifespan.

Zum Pressefach von Broaden Worldwide Co., Ltd.

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