Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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The long and rich history of IVARS S.p.A. tells the evolutionary steps of a company that has been able to make the reallocation of its resources and skills the key to success. From the very beginning, in fact, the intuition of the founder Giulio Ebenestelli was winning, a timeless thought, always valid: keeping up with the times, adapting, making the best of changes by seeing them as opportunities to be seized and not as dangers to escape.

Founded in the post-war period as a molder of plastic materials, Ivars began its business with objects in thermosetting material such as gaskets and small components which were marketed in the plumbing and footwear sectors. The same compound was used to produce objects intended for advertising communication such as customizable ashtrays. Since then, Ivars has gone through 7 decades, renewing itself from time to time based on market opportunities and the ability to respond to them with great flexibility: so in the 1960s it moved on to the production of crates for transporting water bottles and, follow, taking advantage of the construction boom, Ivars invested in the creation of objects dedicated to this sector, to which were added furniture accessories and the so-called "Seating division", which has now become the core of the company. The three divisions Seating, Building and Accessories are still the three pillars of Ivars today and generate a turnover of over €58.6 million.

In more recent times, the current President Carlo Ebenestelli wanted to consolidate the Group's strategy by acquiring companies capable of enriching the offer with diversified products: Omsi was the first to join, specializing in seating for sports and schools. Subsequently, the 100% purchase of Brado in 2021, a Venetian company in the furniture sector that offers a complementary product to that of Ivars with a medium-high target and specializes in seating with tailor-made solutions, i.e. in the production of tailor-made components for the client. The acquisition of Brado involved the integration of the offer with wooden seating components created by Stilwood, 100% owned by Brado. These companies contribute to the Group's global turnover with a total of over €57 million.

Great diversification and very distinct market positioning, for broad coverage that responds to multiple business to business needs: this is what Giulio wanted to build when he founded Ivars and this is what his son Carlo continues today. Thanks to this precious history, the company today places itself on the world market with a strong core business and multiple production lines that make it a primary player in the sectors of accessories for furnishings, seating and construction.

Zum Pressefach von Ivars Spa

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