Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

Banko in cooperation with Universities made pneumatic grinders based on innovative and patented technology for continuous usage under the most extreme conditions with extreme material removal rate

Advantages/Benefits for the buyers of the Banko pneumatic grinder, based on the innovations, compared with the currently existing grinders on the market, are:

- The most efficient grinding for an extreme material removal rate with minimum effort which improves production rates and allows new levels of productivity.
- The most efficient turbine motor.
- The most powerful grinders with compliance units available on the market.
- Unmatched power provide extreme material removal rate which allows new levels of productivity.
- Much less insensitivity to variation of the pressure in the air hose, impossible to stall with the right hose and pressure.
- Significantly extended lifetime with low maintenance costs. 
- Banko pneumatic grinder provides much less insensitivity to variation of the pressure in the air hose. 
- Grinding with much less vibration due to grinding of the wheel at the right speed of the accessories.
- Oil less grinding which enables a clean surface and more environmentally friendly operation.
- Ergonomically shaped and balanced design for less operator fatigue and easy control.
- Competitive price with high energy efficiency.

We have proven all our advantages in hand-held tools worldwide and by introducing our superior tools for robots and process automation, we want to become a leader in Industry 4.0 on a global level.

Zum Pressefach von BANKO

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