Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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B-CHEM S.r.l., a highly advanced chemical company, was founded in the 60's by Mr. Beniamino Bernardi.
At the beginning its main activity was the production of floor polishing machines. Then it also started the production of abrasive stones.
Later on, in the 90' s, the company widened its production range to polyester glues and epoxy systems for the marble-stone-granite field. Concerning polyester glues, with a daily output of nearly 40 tons, B-CHEM is the biggest ltalian manufacturer of this product.
At the beginning of 2000 B-CHEM started to produce car putties for the car refinishing field.
In 2017 a new project was started to open a new production plant to manufacture polychloroprene, polyurethane, natural rubber and SBS based adhesives, destined to generai purposes, to upholstered furniture and in particular to the shoe industry.
At present B-CHEM exports more than 97% of its total production to more than 52 countries in the world. In 2022 more than 400 containers were loaded and shipped everywhere in the world.

Zum Pressefach von B-CHEM srl

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