Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Tailored products - Made for your application and expectations

Since 1964, RUCOS has been managing its taillored production and worldwide distribution of Contact Wheels for Belt Grinding processes. 

The determination and the focus on quality, allows RUCOS to walk on the way for a constant improvement, thus confirming its innovative capacity.
We shared the experience with machine builders and abrasive belts converters , leaving our trace in the world. RUCOS focus is to design and produce powerfull products through samples, technical drawings and specifications.

Our wheels & rollers are manufactured in rubber, polyurethane, Vulkollan® and different foams and the wide range of materials developed provide optimum results depending on the operations.

All contact wheels could be mounted on manual grinders, robotic cells, flexible shafts.

Made in Italy makes the difference and we will continue to develop, improve and innovate our services for greater customer satisfaction.

HALL 10.2 stand G043

Zum Pressefach von Rucos Srl

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