Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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GSC Evolution - the brand that manufactures home tools.

With over 20 years of experience in the industry, GSC Evolution is a leading manufacturer and distributor of lighting and electrical materials. Committed to making life easy for its customers, the brand continuously expands its catalog with the latest innovations in the market.

The extensive range of tools offered by GSC Evolution includes electric tools such as drills and grinders, as well as hand tools like pliers and wrenches. Covering a diverse array of needs, the brand also provides a comprehensive selection of spare parts.

In 2024, GSC Evolution is dedicated to further expanding its tool range, focusing on high-turnover products. The brand's commitment extends to the creation of new tools characterized by innovative, attractive, and distinctive designs.

As part of the renowned Spanish company Garsaco, GSC Evolution has established itself with a presence in more than 8,000 points of sale across Europe. Distributors emphasize the gratifying experience of working with this Spanish brand, noting its dedication not only to product quality but also to timely shipping and excellent after-sales service.

Zum Pressefach von Garsaco Import S.L.

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