Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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SBTools Feature Hand Tools for Garden, Woodwork, and Auto-repair!

Silver Both Industrial Ltd (SBTools), established in 1974, specializes in exporting hand tools, and hardware.
SBTOOLS features wide range of hand tools from woodworking to garden, to auto-repair, and more. Anything you need for your workshop, garage, yard or even just for general household usage, you’ll can find it at SBTools.

For woodworking products, the company features their dust collection series with dust collectors, vacuum cleaners, blast gate/adapters, to safety gear one would need when working on woodworking projects.

SBTools also provide garden tools for both professional and household DIY users. 
We have wide range of garden product range from cutting (pruner, loopers, saw, axes), irrigation tools, and other garden appliance. 

We also have complete range of auto-repair products from testers, torque wrench, breaker bars, VDE tools...etc.
SBTools has been in the industry for almost 50 years, has set up a good reputation among their customers around the world and many of them are with us since the beginning of our company. The company works closely with Hitachi, Clarke International, Stanely/Facom, JULA, and many other brands, and can provide OEM/ODM service.

Zum Pressefach von Silver Both Industrial Ltd.

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