Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

KARAT Air-GripTM 2, 3, 3S, 4 & 2V, 3V, 3SV, 4V Super Heavy-Duty Air-Hydraulic Rivet Tools

The most powerful traction force or extra long Stroke for wide applications in the Auto, Industrial and Construction markets. Ideal for setting **HSS (High Strength Structural), all Structural and all Standard Blind Rivets.
Air-GripTM 2V, 3V, 3SV, 4V Air Tools are with Vacuum System.
Air-GripTM 2 & 2V are for setting maximum 4.8/5.0 mm or 3/16” Rivets.
Air-GripTM 3, 3S, 4 & 3V, 3SV, 4V are for setting maximum 6.4 mm or 1/4” Rivets.
Air-GripTM 3 & 3V have Extra Long Stroke 26 mm, 1.03”.
Air-GripTM 4 & 4V have Super Traction Force 23,500 N, 5,280 Lbf.
Optional BT 7.7 Nose Kit for setting *Bulb-Tite 7.7 mm Rivets.

*Bulb-Tite is the registered trademark of GESIPA.
**HSS (High Strength Structural) Blind Rivets are widely used in the German cars to fasten chassis and body together and to build the car carriage.

Zum Pressefach von Karat Industrial Corporation

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