Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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TOPTUL 213PCS Mechanical Tool Set W/7-Drawer Tool Trolley (BUMPER SERIES) GREEN

All TOPTUL® professional tools are engineered and committed to provide the highest levels of performance, durability and comfort.

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Feature of the photo
ITEM NO: #GE-21322
Contents: 213PCS Mechanical Tool Set with #TCAP0701 Tool Trolley 

EPE Foam Modular Tool Control System :
Spanner & Socket sets and tool kits now feature new EPE form insert trays to reduce wear on tools and keep them well-organized. Ideal for tool cabinet arrangements or tool box storage.
New Innovated EPE Foam :
High identification, oil resistance and practicality are the notable features of this new innovated EPE Foam.
Top carbon fibre covered :
TOPTUL EPE foam tool tray is made with one-piece construction.
The cover is designed with specially developed carbon fiber texture on top.
This premium cover is liquid-resistant and can be easily cleaned with a washer.
These new EPE foam trays are precisely built by CNC machining.
Each cavity is purposely forming for every single tool to ensure a perfect fit.
The two-layer foam trays also have two different colors for the top and base.
This feature will allow users to quickly identify if all tools have been returned after use.

Zum Pressefach von Rotar Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd.

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