Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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The route to woodworking

Sen Yeong Precision Tool, EZCUT, has been a leading manufacturer of TCT Router Cutters, Solid Carbide Bits, Spiral Bits and Shaper Cutters in Taiwan since 1965. Our factory was accredited by ISO 9002 in 1997 and now still follows the ISO 9001 standards. Accumulated experience is the basis of our technical prowess. In our efforts to upgrade products, new equipment and techniques are introduced constantly. Quality inspections in all aspects of production are conducted persistently. Therefore, great precision, durability and stability are the features of our products.

A combination of supreme materials, meticulous manufacture and the quality control system sustains our pursuit of the best results. A wide variety of router bits, solid carbide bits, spiral bits and shaper cutters are available. In addition, we can customize products in different designs or specifications to suit customers’ requirements. Diverse quality grades of the products are trusted by industrial, professional users and serious home hobbyists. MADE IN TAIWAN with confidence and pride, our products are perfect for you to use in your manufacturing endeavors.

Please visit our website or contact us by email, ezcut@seed.net.tw, for further information.

Zum Pressefach von Sen Yeong Precision Tool Co., Ltd.

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