Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Why visit ACHEM

Visit ACHEM booth for quality tape, updates, solutions and market insights for auto needs.


Established in 1960, ACHEM has applied coating technology as its core competitiveness to produce and commercialize PSA tape products over four decades. ACHEM is the first PVC tape producer in Taiwan. As the first to develop solvent acrylic BOPP tape, it is known internationally as the leading manufacturer in the world for formulating and coating of various grades of acrylic adhesives.

ACHEM provide high-quality tape products such PVC Wire Harness tape, PET Cloth Tape, PET Fleece Tape, PET AG Protective Tape, Double-Sided Tape, PET Silicone Tape, PET AG Protective Tape, Industrial Tape, Electrical Tapes, Plastering Tape, Automotive Tape, Insulation Tape, Electrical Tape, Floor marking tape, Packaging Tapes, Industrial Tape, Protection tape, Stationery Tapes and Protective Tapes.

Zum Pressefach von Achem Technology Corporation

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