Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Catenificio Rigamonti

Catenificio Rigamonti, founded in 1929 and at its fourth family generation is a leading manufacturer of round link welded chains.

Production is mainly carried out with AISI 304L – 316L stainless steel, carbon steel and heat-treated alloy steel material.

Catenificio Rigamonti’s products include calibrated and mooring chains, chains for the agricultural field and zootechnic systems, conveyor chains for manure scrapers, transport chains, pump chains and chains used in other industrial food processing systems.

The monitoring and planning of production phases, from the procurement of raw materials certified by producers to heat treatment, finishing and storage processes of the finished product, ensure a punctual service to the customer, exceeding market standards.

The company was founded in 1929 in Lecco, a very important Italian district in the steel and metalworking sector and subsequently in 2012 the company was moved to to Travagliato, near Brescia, a place where there has already been a production unit since 1986.

Catenificio Rigamonti completed the installation of the PV panels on the roof at the end of 2023.
It is another big step, the best proof that the company is operating with an eye always turned towards the future and in the direction of environmental sustainability. With this new installation, which will allow to self-consume up to 65% of the energy produced, Catenificio Rigamonti will be even greener, stronger, more independent and competitive.

Zum Pressefach von Catenificio Rigamonti s.r.l.

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