Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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DE Element 13300 Element 12300 EN

One-Hand Pruning Shear

Like all HTP products, the Model 2 continues the long legacy of workmanship, precision, and long-lasting durability. The renowned design makes this classic the universal standard for all types of pruning. Hardened steel blades are ultra-sharp and provide unsurpassed smooth cutting action and feature a wire cutting notch. Underlined by a rugged counter blade that is riveted to the one-piece forged aluminum handle. A sap groove prevents the blade from sticking thus improving cut efficiency. Suitable for all day use, rubber shock absorbers and non-slip grips increase comfort and reduce fatigue. The blade setting mechanism allows the cutting head to be adjusted precisely to each user's requirements. And an adjustable closing lock allows for safe holstering and handling when not in use. The HTP 2 is ideal for large size hands, yet all Felco one-hand pruning shears enable the highest cut quality, regardless of hand size. All components are serviceable and replaceable. Offering a 1" cut capacity and measuring 8.46" overall in length. Lifetime Warranty. Ship wt. 0.6lb.

Zum Pressefach von HTP Tools LLC

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