Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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RAM INDUSTRIE was born in 2002 to produce and distribute ball bearing slides, wheel slides, invisible slides, sliding sistems for the mechanical industry and for the wood and furniture industry.

Then we started the production of telescopic slides and aluminum frames for extendable tables with ball slide made entirely in Italy and that we export all over the world. Our presence on the market has been consolidated over the years thanks to the completeness of the range, the service and the quality of our products.

All our products, both domestic and foreign, are subjected to testing, testing and verification both in the factory and before stock.

All slides on the Ram Industrie srl's catalog and websites are present on stock so we can process orders within 48 hours .

As for the national territory, Ram Industrie srl is present with a network of distributors able to meet any need in their respective areas of competence.

Our national sales network is composed of sales agents which are present in all regions of Italy and manage reletionships with the distributor and the small and medium industry.

We can realize on request special slides and drawing in a short time.

Zum Pressefach von Ram Industrie S.r.l.

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