Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Pressefach von MGF Compressors Srl

11.2 L8
MGF Compressors Srl
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Nicola Bonato
Via Giovanni Pascoli 15
MGF, founded by Gabriele Fiani, was born in 1977 as a company specialized in compressed air applications and in 1986 it became a limited liability company. MGF is today a dynamic and constantly developing reality. MGF has differentiated its production of oil-free and silent compressors by specializing in the professional, dental, medical, beverage and industrial sectors, a strategy that has ensured continuity of growth and an important consolidation of know-how. Based on the experience developed over the years, MGF is now able to offer, in addition to its production range, also customized solutions, designed on the basis of the specific needs of individual customers. Distinguishing element is the attention that MGF has always paid to understanding the needs of the end user: simple instruments in their completeness and immediate understanding, reduced maintainability to elementary and fast operations are just some of the characteristics common to all production ranges. Another element of distinction is the continuous effort aimed at creating an after-sales service that guarantees customers the right security they need to do their job well. MGF research activity is oriented not only to new mechanical solutions, but also to the integration of electronics and information technology, with the aim of guaranteeing customers increasingly innovative solutions that meet the ever-growing needs of the market. MGF exports today to over 60 countries and is consolidating a commercial network that has its roots in all European, Middle Eastern, North and South American markets, with particular attention to the development of Asian markets. MGF is certified UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI CEI EN ISO 13485: 2016. It also has a wide range of CE and UL certified products as medical devices, as well as numerous product registrations in the different countries in which it operates.
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