Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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Pressefach von Proxene Tools Co., Ltd.

4.2 B11
Proxene Tools Co., Ltd.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Proxene Tools Co., Ltd.
Sheng Kang Dist., Chung Shan Road, Lane 893, No 9-2
429015 Taichung City
Proxene tools was founded in 1984, Proxene has been concentrating the industry of adjustable wrench for 3 decades. With ambition, tremendous dedication and revolutionary concepts, Proxene fulfilled many targeted missions awarded by some best-known international organizations such as, iF Design Award & reddot Design Award in Germany, G-Mark Design Award in Japan and Taiwan Excellence Gold Award. The vision of Proxene is to lead the industry of hand tools with Profession, Innovation and doing things which others can’t achieve. In order to satisfy the demands of customers in all different markets, Proxene continuously improves the manufacturing technology and designing capability with great efforts on understanding the various applications, such as engineering, plumbing, construction, industrial and automotive to truly realize the needs of end-users. The achievement can be told from the hundreds of patent certificates internationally Proxene has been accumulating. To look after the quality for customers, Proxene’s in-house manufacturing processes complied with the standard quality-control procedure specified by DIN, ANSI, ASME, ISO and JIS to assure the quality of Proxene’s products. Therefore, Proxene was qualified by ISO9001 ever since 2004. Proxene will continuously put itself on innovative items developing to make hand tools the partners of users.

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