Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2026

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Pressefach von Siang Syuan Fu Enterprise Co., Ltd.

4.1 F88/G89
Siang Syuan Fu Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Tim Hong
No. 230 Naxuan Rd.
50849 Changhua
Siang Syuan Fu was established in 1991. We mainly develop and manufacture caulk guns series products and other accessories. Due to well-developed skills in caulk guns, our products are recognized by domestic and international customers. And not only that, our caulking guns are multi-patented. We persist in inventing unique and excellent quality products for every customer. In order to meet rapidly demands on customers' ordering, we expanded our company and named the firm “Siang Syuan Fu Enterprise Co., Ltd.” in 2000. Our products obtain more than 100 patents and wins great reputation in Taiwan, Japan, USA, UK and EU. We continues to keep innovation and develop the caulking gun that are not only easy to operate but also unique from the market. We focus on the solid quality of our product and ensure every caulking gun have excellent performance.
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