Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2026

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Pressefach von Komelon Distribution Center Europe

10.1 E55
Komelon Distribution Center Europe
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
Komelon Distribution Center Europe
Maaskade 20
5347 KD OSS
Komelon stands as the world’s foremost vertically integrated measuring tape manufacturer, revolutionizing the industry with cutting-edge technology and unwavering dedication to quality. From our state-of-the-art raw material manufacturing plant to global marketing distribution channels, Komelon ensures the highest standard of excellence in every product we offer. With over 60 years of expertise, Komelon has pioneered a comprehensive line of measuring tools, backed by a legacy of craftsmanship and innovation. Our commitment to advancement has led to patented features that set us apart: Advanced Fiber Glass Long Tape Dura Nylon Coating Process Dual Side Blade Printing Magnetic Hook Measuring Tape Self-Locking Measuring Tape High Viz Measuring Tape Headquartered in Busan, South Korea, Komelon boasts a diverse product range, including saws and measuring wheels. Our subsidiary, Komelon Steel, operates a cutting-edge rolling mill, ensuring meticulous control over material quality for the finest measuring tools available. Additionally, our newly established facility in Vietnam, opened in 2024, further solidifies our commitment to excellence in tape measure production. Komelon Distribution Center Europe For over 40 years, Komelon Distribution Center Europe has served as a cornerstone of efficiency and reliability. Located in the Netherlands, adjacent to Europe’s largest port in Rotterdam, our strategically positioned European warehouse enables seamless distribution to partners across the continent. At Komelon Distribution Center Europe, our dedicated team of professionals exemplifies excellence in customer service. Fluent in multiple languages including Dutch, English, German, Spanish, and French, our team provides unparalleled support and expertise.

Vorhandene Pressemitteilungen

Aussteller: Komelon Distribution Center Europe

Komelon Pro Mag, Freitag, 1. März 2024, 00:00, 239 Zeichen

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