Köln: 03.–06.03.2026 #IEM2024

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4.2 B41
Ansprechpartner für die Presse:
wu mei huei
No.66 Gongzi 1st Rd.,Chuansing Ind. Park, Shenkang,
50971 Taiwan
Welcome to Pacific Precise International! Since our inception in 1978, we've championed excellence, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to high-quality professionalism. Our rich history symbolizes global leadership and foresight in the market. Known for outstanding cargo safety solutions, the 4Safe brand embodies our dedication to safety and reliability. **Key Highlights:** - **Established Legacy:** Since 1978, we've built a robust global presence, marking our journey with excellence and far-sightedness. - **4Safe Brand:** Globally acclaimed, 4Safe is synonymous with cargo safety excellence, reflecting our commitment to quality and reliability. - **Global Presence:** With modern production bases in China, Taiwan, and Malaysia, we offer integrated manufacturing and marketing for unparalleled product quality. - **Seculok Success:** Our meticulous market planning has led to the success of the Seculok brand series in the Americas, contributing to our global market leadership. - **EliteGuard's European Debut:** Introducing EliteGuard in Europe, we promise more advanced, safer, and reliable cargo safety solutions. - **Professional Product Lines:** Our key product lines cover "Cargo Transport Safety," "Lifting Safety," and "High-altitude Operation Safety," setting industry benchmarks. At Pacific Precise International, each collaboration is an honor, and every business deal is an opportunity. With EliteGuard, we commit to a safer and more reliable partnership. Join us in shaping a vibrant future.
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